As a key step toward meeting the goals described in our Statement on Black LIves Matter, Structural Racism, and Our Organization, the officers and members of the ACH Executive Council have worked during the first half of 2021 with consultants from DeEtta Jones and Associates on a review of the organization’s policies, procedures, and governance structures. We are happy today to share DJA’s report with the ACH community.

This report includes a wide range of possibilities for the officers and the council, as well as for the organization at large. It will be a major area of discussion at this summer’s Council meeting, as well as at the ACH General Meeting (AGM) to be held in conjunction with the ACH 2021 conference in July. Based on those conversations, we’ll then create a set of priorities and next steps, including a short-term timeline, which we’ll publish here for your feedback and further input by the end of September.

In the meantime, if you have responses to this report you’d like to share with us before the AGM, please feel free to email us at We very much look forward to hearing from you.