ACH 2019 is seeking reviewers to evaluate conference proposal submissions during December 2018 and January 2019. ACH wishes to establish a wide, and as varied as possible, pool of reviewers for this conference.

We welcome members of any academic affiliation or professional role who are interested in the digital humanities that would like to help shape the representation of our organization at its first national conference. Although we are a US-based organization, we encourage those who live in regions of the world that are not represented by existing professional organizations to review, recognizing that intellectual, cultural, institutional, and other forms of diversity make a vital contribution to scholarship and practice.

ACH 2019 is invested in being a multilingual event, and candidates should state all the languages in which they can review proposals.

Reviewer candidates must hold an affiliation or professional role currently or recently associated with a digital humanities (or digital humanities-related) program, project, or initiative. This includes professionals working in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums who are involved in digital cultural heritage, preservation, and other areas of information creation and sharing.

Nominees should submit an expression of interest via this form.

Deadline for nominations is September 1, 2018. If you have questions, please contact Roopika Risam (