Due date for nominations: Monday, January 15, 2018

The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) invites nominations for the 2017 elections, in which our members will elect:

  • A Vice President/President-Elect, for two consecutive two-year terms (2018-2020 and 2020-2022); and
  • Three Executive Council members for four­-year terms (2018-2022).

We seek candidates eager to support and advance the field of digital humanities (DH) by helping to lead the ACH.

ACH officers and Executive Council members develop and uphold ACH policies, determine and distribute funding, and oversee all organizational activities. Planned activities for 2018 include preparing for a US-based conference, fostering regional events, developing a clearinghouse for documentation, and cultivating a space for newcomers to the field. You can be involved in helping ACH programs succeed by nominating either yourself or someone else to be an active participant in the leadership of the Association.

To stand for election as an Executive Council member or officer, candidates must be members in good standing of the ACH at the time of nomination or, alternately, be willing to become members post-election. They commit to being present at annual Council meetings at the Digital Humanities Conference, whether in person or virtually, and to participating in discussions during the rest of the year by email and audio/video conference. Council members are expected to be active in the digital humanities community.

We welcome participants not just from universities and colleges, but also galleries, libraries, museums, community groups, and other organizations engaged with digital humanities. We also welcome nominations of people from all constituencies and humanities disciplines, and especially encourage the nomination of women, people of color, LGBTQ, or other under­represented groups. Demonstrated commitment to the organization and to the field counts for more with our membership than professional affiliation, academic status, or job title.

Send nominations to nominations@ach.org by January 15, 2018. Please confirm with your nominee that he or she is willing to serve, and provide a brief candidate statement and biography. Sample candidate statements from past elections are available. If your nominee cannot provide a biography and candidate statement at the time of nomination, they should email those to us before the close of nominations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at nominations@ach.org. The three top vote­-getters in the Executive Council race will be elected to four-­year terms.

For more information on the responsibilities and obligations of ACH officers, see our constitution and bylaws. Current officers of the ACH are listed on our officers page.

ACH Nominations Committee

Quinn Dombrowski, UC Berkeley (Chair) Purdom Lindblad, University of Maryland Matthew K. Gold, CUNY Graduate Center Jennifer Guiliano, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Amanda Visconti, University of Virginia Scott B. Weingart, Carnegie Mellon University

Ex officio member

Tassie Gniady, Indiana University