The ACH will host a Jobs Slam on Thursday, August 10th, at the ACH Annual General Meeting during the DH 2017 Conference in Montréal. The exact location of the meeting is still to be determined. Please stay tuned to @achdotorg on Twitter and the DH2017 conference website for information on locations.

The Jobs Slam is a lively event and a chance for employers to get the word out about upcoming jobs as well as for prospective employees to introduce themselves to everyone present.

If you have a current or upcoming job opening at your institution, please use the following Google Form to sign up. To fill out the form you will need information about:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about the job (title, affiliation, duration, etc.)
  • A link to other information, if available

If you are on the job market or anticipate being so in the next few months, you may also fill out the form. You will need the following information:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about your qualifications & area of expertise

Purveyors and seekers of jobs will each have up to 30 seconds to present. The order of presentations will be posted at the beginning of the AGM meeting with job advertisers first and job seekers second. Please come join us at the for this exciting match-making event!

Any questions, problems with the form, or other concerns can be sent to Lisa Rhody ( or via Twitter to @lmrhody.