The Association for Computers and the Humanities is pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 Incubator Grants competition!

ACH Microgrants were established to reward enterprising ideas that serve the digital humanities community by building on existing ACH initiatives like Digital Humanities Quarterly and DH Answers. We especially value proposals from emerging scholars and DH practitioners that promise to expand the community, create new content or analyses of existing content, or build links with other DH initatives. Our call this year emphasized knowing our past, which was interpreted variously by our community. Thanks to everyone who applied.

The ACH Incubator Grant winners for 2015 are:

The Caroline Miniscule Mapping Project

Anna Dorofeeva, University of Cambridge

$1000 towards developing a website to allow the Network for the Study of Caroline Minuscule to publish 30 summary articles, including bibliographies and links to online manuscripts, on the major scribal centres and regions that used the diverse and complex Caroline minuscule script in Europe c. 700–1000 AD.

Storifying “Digital Diasporas”

Kim Gallon, Purdue University; Zita Cristina Nunes, University of Maryland

$1000 towards creating a digital archive of the “Digital Diasporas: Digital Humanities and African American/African Diaspora Studies” conference held in 2008 at the University of Maryland, College Park, and an associated social media stream towards a second conference in 2018.

Electronic Literature Timeline

James O’Sullivan, Pennsylvania State University

$1000 to develop an interactive timeline that charts, with contributions from some of the field’s leading scholars and practitioners, the emergence and evolution of electronic literature and associated seminal criticism, visualizing the key creative and critical milestones in the field’s development.

ACH Incubator Committee 2015
(Susan Brown, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Bethany Nowviskie, Roopika Risam)