The ACH will host a Jobs Slam on Wednesday, June 3rd, during the CSDH Annual General Meeting at 4:45pm in Colonel By C03. (Please note: the ACH Annual General Meeting will take place this year at the DH 2015 conference in Sydney, Australia.) The Jobs Slam is a lively event and a chance for employers to get the word out about upcoming jobs as well as for prospective employees to introduce themselves to everyone present.

If you have a current or upcoming job opening at your institution, please send a message to with the following:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about the job (title, affiliation, duration, etc.)
  • A link to other information, if available

If you are on the job market or anticipate being so in the next few months, please send a message to with the following:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about your qualifications & area of expertise

Purveyors and seekers of jobs will each have up to 30 seconds to present. Please come join us at the for this exciting match-making event!