ACH is pleased to announce our 2015 Bursary Winners for the 2015 HASTAC annual conference. Caitlin Christian-Lamb of Davidson College will be presenting her work as part of the Thinking Outside the Archive: Engaging Students and Community in Special Collections Digital Projects. Lauren Rae Hall of the University of Pittsburgh will be presenting her short paper, New Old Educational Media: Finding a Public for a Personal Archive.

The HASTAC 2015 conference will be held May 27-30, 2015 at the Kellogg Center on the campus of Michigan State University. Connecting with HASTAC’s interdisciplinary mission, the conference will center on the theme of the “Art and Science of Digital Humanities.” Conference tracks will range in focus from current digital humanities work to featuring groundbreaking new work at the intersection of the arts and sciences. The conference will feature a mini-conference for HASTAC Scholars followed by two full days of conference activities and opportunities for collaboration.