In an effort to encourage cross-pollination of the ACH membership with other digital humanities organizations, ACH will be offering bursary awards to enrolled members who have submissions accepted for presentation at the annual HASTAC conference. These awards are to encourage new contributions to scholarship in the digital humanities and to encourage ACH members to support other digital humanities organizations. Accepted paper, panel, and/or poster submissions qualify for consideration.


Authors who are currently-enrolled members of ACH are eligible for consideration. This may include current students and/or those who are new to the field of digital humanities or new to academia. A participant in a multi-author paper or poster is eligible for an award providing they contribute substantially to the paper/poster. If two or more co-authors are qualified, they may make a joint application and share the award.


Bursary applications for 2015 will be available when the notification of acceptance for conference papers have been sent out (projected early February 2015).


Winners are chosen by a review panel constituted by members of the ACH Executive Committee, based on the applicants’ submission abstracts and information from an Application Form. The panel may also request additional documentation to support the application or prove eligibility, when necessary.


Two recipients will receive a cash award of $300 USD to help defray expenses incurred in attending the conference such as the conference registration, airline/train fare, lodging, and meals paid by the recipient. The funds will be disbursed to the recipient after the conference.

All questions must be answered. Guidelines are given to each set of question. If you have any questions about the application process, please write to with ACH/HASTAC Bursary in the subject line). To apply, complete our online application.