We are pleased to announce the results of the 2014 ACH elections.

The amendments recently made to our Constitution and Bylaws by the ACH Executive Council have been ratified by the membership. The amended version is available on the ACH website.

Per the newly amended constitution, all new officer and Executive Council terms will begin at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting. This year the meeting will be held at the joint CSDH/SCHN and ACH conference in Ottawa, Canada in June 2015. Current officers and outgoing Exec members will serve until then.

Elected to serve on the Executive Council for the 2015-2018 term, in alphabetical order, are Quinn Dombrowski, Alex Gil, and Élika Ortega.

We congratulate our newly elected representatives, and thank all of this year’s candidates for being willing to donate time to the organization. What a slate! We look forward to working with all of you, in ways formal and informal, in the coming year.