The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) invites nominations and self-nominations for a newly established standing committee on Affiliates. The committee is charged by the Executive Council, in its desire to broaden its involvement with other professional societies, associations, or initiatives, to work with our membership to identify potential affiliate relationships. They will also be charged with responding to external solicitations for ACH affiliate status, and reporting to the ACH Executive as appropriate. We seek committee members who want to advance the field of digital humanities (DH) by helping broaden ACH’s engagement with other professional societies, associations, and initiatives. You could be involved in helping ACH succeed by nominating yourself, or someone else, to be an active participant in the Standing Committee on Affiliates.

To join this committee, candidates must be members in good standing of the ACH. They commit to serving a two-year renewable term where they will participate in discussions by email and audio/video conference. Primary duties will include identifying potential affiliate relationships, completing affiliate applications, and responding to inquiries from other organizations.

Nominees are expected to be active in the digital humanities community. We welcome participants not just from universities and colleges but also galleries, libraries, museums, community organizations, and other organizations engaged with digital humanities. We hope to assemble a diverse committee and encourage participation by ACH members from under-represented groups.

Send nominations or self-nominations to by August 1, 2014. Please confirm with your nominee that he or she is willing to serve, and:

  • Put the following in the subject line: ACH Affiliate Nomination
  • Provide a brief statement of interest regarding your (or your nominee’s) vision of ACH’s engagement with potential affiliates.
  • Provide contact information and a short, 1-paragraph professional biography.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or via twitter @jenguiliano