The Association for Computers and the Humanities is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Microgrants competition!

ACH Microgrants were established to reward enterprising ideas that serve the digital humanities community by building on existing ACH initiatives like Digital Humanities Quarterly and DH Answers. We especially value proposals from emerging scholars and DH practitioners that promise to expand the community, create new content or analyses of existing content, or build links with other DH initatives. Our call this year emphasized pedagogy and met with a strong response. Thanks to everyone who applied.

The ACH Microgrants winners for 2014 are:

Pedagogy Toolkit

Alexander Christie, University of Victoria

$1000 to enable further development of the Toolkit by adding new tools to the repository and building relationships with their expert practitioners, adding a space for sharing syllabi through the repository, extending its code to include a templating framework for online syllabi, and a series of blogposts reflecting on different disciplinary communities.

The_Critical_Is: […]Video Game Pedagogy

Jeffrey Moro, Smith College; Elizabeth Alexander, graduate of Amherst College; Criss Guy, graduate of Amherst College

$499.03 towards a six-month experiment in how one might structure critical conversations about video games online: a web platform through which a core group of players will explore a variety of approaches through which to “write,” in words, images, and sounds, about video games through blog posts, podcasts, edited videos, and live-streamed gameplay, and a report on the feasibility of their template.

Library-Led DH Pedagogy: Modeling Paths Toward Information and Data Literacy

Thomas G. Padilla, Sara D. Miller, Hailey Mooney, Bobby L. Smiley, Michigan State University Libraries

$391.75 towards a one-day symposium to work towards aligning DH-led library instruction with the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, the Data Information Literacy program competencies and other standards to design and share 4-5 DH workshop models, crosswalk those models with standards, competencies and guidelines, along with a series of reflective blog posts.

Bridging the Gap: Women, Code, and the Digital Humanities

Celeste Sharpe, George Mason University; Jeri Wieringa, George Mason University

$750 to develop an open-source curriculum for a one-day workshop on DH directed at closing the gender gap in coding by means of a tutorial; documentation and instructions for use of materials; and a guide for coaches; the testing of this curriculum through a workshop, and a reflective blogpost.

ACH Microgrants Committee 2014
(Susan Brown, Tanya Clement, Jarom McDonald, Lisa Spiro, Vika Zafrin)