The annual Digital Humanities conference is an opportunity for the ACH to pursue in-person many of the initiatives that we support more virtually during the year. We hope you’ll be able to join us for some or all of our events at DH 2014 in Lausanne!

ACH Annual General Meeting and Jobs Slam

The ACH AGM will be held Wednesday, 9 July 2014 at 12:30pm CEST (UTC +1:00) in the Amphimax Building, UNIL, Room 350/351. Join us for a free, healthy, vegetarian-friendly lunch!

Sure, there may be some sub-committee reports and even an important vote or two, but you haven’t really experienced an annual general meeting until you’ve been to an ACH Jobs Slam! This is a lively event where prospective employees and employers have 30 seconds of floor-time to woo each other**.**

We will have a live webcast of the AGM. Use the #achagm hashtag on Twitter (and be sure to follow us at @ACHdotorg) to ask questions during the meeting.

ACH Newcomers Dinner

Is this your first or second time at the Digital Humanities conference? Are you new to the DH community? Join a small group of newbies and ACH old-timers at a local restaurant, to make scholarly connections and new friendships.

Dinners will happen the evening of Thursday, 10 July. For ease of conversation, groups are limited to six people. Long-term ACH members and other DH conference veterans are heartily encouraged to volunteer! Sign up and learn more.

Please Ask, Do Tell

Looking for professional advice or job opportunities? Willing to share some professional advice or news of job opportunities? Use our Please Ask, Do Tell stickers to let conference attendees know!

Someone with this sticker may have some advice to offer or know about an interesting DH job – please feel free to ask them!

Someone with this sticker is looking for professional advice and/or job opportunities, so if you have something to offer, please let them know! Pick up your sticker(s) at the ACH annual general meeting!

Join ACH

And if you like what you see, and want to become part of a welcoming, international, interdisciplinary, and inter-professional DH association, we invite you to join the ACH today.