Today, 33 presidents, chairs, founders, leaders, and editors of 27 major, international digital humanities scholarly organizations and platforms joined together in an open letter to American FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler.

The effort was spearheaded by the US-based Association for Computers and the Humanities, and our joint letter urges the FCC to preserve “the fundamental character of the open, nondiscriminatory, creative, and competitive Internet,” by enacting strong net neutrality protections — the first step to which is the reclassification of broadband providers as “common carrier” telecommunications services.

The full letter and list of signatories is available on our website, and may shortly appear on other professional societies’ websites as well. We welcome wide distribution of the letter, and urge our members and readers to take individual action and make their voices heard ahead of the FCC’s May 15th Open Commission Meeting.

The ACH also provides a short set of background readings on net neutrality, and some suggested actions you can take.