Thanks to all of the contributors to our Pedagogy Lightning Talks at the ACH AGM at DH2013. A tremendous wealth of creativity and experience was shared in a short 15 minutes, and the slides will very shortly be posted on this site.

In the meantime, though, here is the wonderfully witty poem that provided a wonderful capstone to the lightning presentations.

Some people believe in the “new new new thing”
That we know as DH — but I’d like to bring

Something older and wiser to the next generation:
DH history, tradition, respect, veneration.

Willa Cather, whose homeland is hosting, my dears,
Has inspired my title: O DH Pioneers!

I tell DH students of Busa and Bush
(that’s Roberto and Vannevar — not George Dubya, whoosh!)

I like them to know Michael Sperberg-McQueen,
And then claim XML as his DH machine.

I also proclaim, from my own institution,
A somewhat less famous DH contribution:

My very own colleague, Elijah R. Meeks,
Who gave Wikipedia its first DH tweaks.

But something is missing: No need to be prudish:
These DH pioneers are all whitish, and dudish!

DH women and people of color — we’ve got ’em!
I’d like to suggest that it’s time that we taught ’em.

To enhance our rich history with something less cursory:
Not only more History, but also more Herstory.

— Glen Worthey, 2013