In support of museums’ ongoing engagement in the world of the digital and encouragement of young professionals’ exploration of the digital humanities, ACH is pleased to offer up to five (5) ticket bursaries for student/unwaged participants in UKMW12, the UK conference for Museums on the Web.

To apply, please send a short email to Eric Johnson at by 5pm GMT on Thursday, November 22, 2012, indicating any previous attendance at UKMW and briefly describing what you hope to gain from UKMW12 and your interest or involvement in the broader fields of the digital humanities and museums/digital heritage. Preference is given to first-time conference attendees or those who are new (one to three years) in the field. (You can be reimbursed for your registration if you've already paid and your bursary request is granted.)

Museums Computer Group (MCG) Museums on the Web

The Museums Computer Group (MCG) is a professional society for museum, gallery, archive and higher education professionals who work with museum technologies and digital heritage. The MCG organises the annual UK Museums On The Web (UKMW) conference for people who make museum websites great. UKMW12 will be held in London on 30 November 2012.

UKMW12 is about being ‘strategically digital’. Responding to the issues faced by museums today, it's an opportunity to take a step back from the everyday and think strategically about the impact of the digital revolution on museums and digital heritage projects. The sold-out conference brings together speakers from organisations including the Tate, the V&A, UCL, King's College, the Guardian, Strategic Content Alliance, Collections Trust and Caper who'll share their hard-won lessons about implementing digital strategies in museums, and the realities of working with online audiences and platforms.