In 2012, ACH began taking concrete steps towards adopting a more open and transparent agenda-setting as a professional society. Since then we have looked to you to help us better serve our diverse, international digital humanities community — by generating new ideas for us to explore, and helping to prioritize items that are already on our Executive Council's agenda.

To that end, we launched an "idea marketplace" using a transparent, grassroots, pairwise voting system called "All Our Ideas." Below, you'll find two ideas chosen at random from our community-generated pool, and will be asked to click on the one you find more important for ACH to pursue. You can also decline to decide between the two ideas, or add a suggestion of your own. A "view results" tab reveals the whole set of contributed ideas (helpful to read before suggesting a new one!) as ranked by the community.

ACH can't undertake every project you suggest, but we do promise to take our members' and community's views very seriously and to address as many of them as we can, in open dialogue.

Both association members and non-members are welcome to contribute to this process, and we are only moderating new submissions to prevent unproductive overlap or to clarify language.

Please take a moment to share your views on All Our Ideas.