The Association for Computers and the Humanities invites nominations for this year's elections. We are electing a president, vice-president, and three Executive Council members, and seek candidates for all these offices who want to advance the field of digital humanities by helping to run the ACH.

Together with other officers, these are the people who form the ACH's policies, decide how the ACH will spend its funds, and oversee its activities. They meet for an annual council meeting at the Digital Humanities conference every year, and hold discussions during the rest of the year by email and occasional phone conferences.

Candidates must be (or be willing to become) members of the ACH and must commit to attending the council meetings at the Digital Humanities conference. The president and vice-president serve two-year terms; council members serve four-year terms. Candidates are expected to be active members of the digital humanities community. But these are not roles reserved to those in very senior positions: graduate students have often served on the council, and commitment to the organization and to the field have usually counted for more with the membership than job titles.

Nominations should be sent to by September 15. They should include an email address for the nominee. A brief biographical statement will also be needed for the ballot but need not be included with the nomination. You are warmly encouraged to nominate yourself if you are interested. Please note that per the bylaws each nominee needs two nominations to be considered for inclusion on the ballot. The nominations committee shall determine the final slate of candidates to stand for election for the available positions.

For more information on the responsibilities and obligations of ACH officers, see our constitution and bylaws. Current officers of the ACH are listed on our officers page.

Many thanks,

ACH Nominations Committee

Julia Flanders
Neil Fraistat
Dot Porter (chair)
Brian Pytlik Zillig
Bill Turkel