The ACH Mentoring Committee will be organizing a number of talks as well as more experimental opportunities for mentorship in 2021. If you are hosting a free, public workshop that aligns with ACH’s goals of offering training and mentoring for DH scholars, please get in touch with ACH Mentoring co-chairs Quinn Dombrowski ( and Paige Morgan (

Upcoming events

April 30: Interpreting Job Ads

When you see a job ad for a faculty, library, or staff position, how do you figure out what they’re actually looking for? Join Quinn Dombrowski, Amanda Henrichs, Paige Morgan, Jessica Marie Johnson, and Brandon Walsh for an ACH mentoring session on reading and interpreting job ads!
April 30, 3 PM Eastern / 12 PM Pacific

Register on the ACH member's portal, or ask you questions in advance on the #mentoring channel of DH Slack!